Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Today I thought I would participate in Rocks in my dryer's what works for me Wednesdays event.
Let me tell you the new thing that I have discovered. It might not be new to you. It has been around for sometime. But I have just found it. What is it you may ask?

Last night was the first time that I used this product and let me just say that I am in love. I made scalloped potatoes from scratch. I used one of these handy little liners. After all was said and done I had no clean up at all. Just a quick wipe down with the rag and it was all done. It saved me so much more time. A good thing to because last last night was Cub Scout night. There is usually no time to spare on Tuesday night.
I would recommend this product to anyone. Don't forget to get a coupon and sweeten your deal.
Ta-ta for now,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Mandy! Thanks for checking out my blog! I am very excited to read yours and get to know your family, as well as hear some of your awesome money-saving tips! Andrea is just adorable. Where in PA is Titusville located?