About a month ago I noticed a robin had built a nest above my front porch light.Every time I looked there was no bird in it. So I thought I would take it down for Mike to take to school. So I unstuck it from it's spot. Well there were 4 eggs in it.When I took it down I kept hearing the momma bird chirping at me in the tree. I then carefully stuck the nest back where I found it. About 3 days ago hubby comes in and says," I think the eggs have hatched, I see 2 beaks in the nest."
Last night I tried to take a picture of them but, when I went to step down out of the door onto the step my ankle twisted and I fell on my face. It was not a pretty site. I laid there crying for a moment. Just as I fell a group of people were walking by my house. Do you think that they stopped to see if I was o.k. Nope! They just kept on walking. What is this world coming to? Where people don't check to see if you are hurt. I made it back into the house. laid on the couch for the rest of the evening. So, I had dear hubby take the pictures for me this morning. There were 4 eggs but I think only 3 of them have hatched.
Hope you have a great day and if you see someone hurt please stop and see if they are o.k.