Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Zoo and Pizza Hut

Since the end of the school year is winding down both Mike and Andrea's classes are trying to cram as many field trips in as possible. Mike hasn't had his yet and since I am the mom of a 5th grader I am not allowed to go. Not because of the school but because I have become an embarrassment to my son. I guess at the age of 11 ( or 10 if we go out to Chinese for dinner) it is not cool to hang out with Mom anymore. (Insert sad smiley from Facebook here)

Last week Andrea went to the zoo. This week she had a train ride and a trip to Pizza Hut. I forgot my camera for the train ride. What a bummer. But I do have pictures at the zoo and the Pizza Hut trip. ENJOY!!
The train at the zoo.

Going into the back of Pizza Hut.

First the sauceThen the cheese
Lots of pepperoni. Although she picks them off at home she ate them there. They must taste different when you make them yourself?

Now to devour it!