Monday, May 19, 2008

Field Trip to Erie Zoo

Today we went on a field trip with Andrea's class to the Erie Zoo.
Here Andrea is waiting to leave the school parking lot. Anxiously waiting I should say . It is a hour long bus ride to the Zoo.

First we have to take a 1 mile train ride around the zoo with our class. Then we get to split up with our families and explore the Zoo.

Here are a few pictures of our favorite animals.

Mr. Lion was very lazy today.
Every time we saw him
he was snoozing away. It took two tries to see the rhino. The first time they were inside their house. After lunch we went back to see if they came out. Sure enough they did.
It is to cold for some of the animals to be outside. Rosy the Gorilla was one of them. She looked so sad just sitting there picking her face.Because she was inside we saw her twice.Due to thecold outside Andrea's hands were red. So after we saw the rhinos one last time. We spent about 10 minutes inside with the Rosy and several other animals. It gave us a much needed reprieve from the cold.Those pictures didn't turn out.It was kinda dark inside.
The Kangaroo and Wallaby exhibit was so cool. You could walk through it and the Kangaroos and Wallabies were free to roam. Of course you couldn't pet them. But, it was neat to be up close to them. Only this rope was keeping them on one side and us on the other. There was a brick path that we walked on. They would jump across right out in front of you.

They also have a petting zoo. Unlike traditional petting zoos where you can feed the animals food. Erie has a bucket of brushes for the children. The goats really love this. This white one was adorable. I don't think he wanted us to leave him.
As the trip was ending we stopped in at the gift shop. Were Andrea picked out a baby giraffe. Back to the bus we went for the hour long drive home.

1 comment:

Kim said...

She looked like she had a blast! I cannot wait to show Preston this blog entry. He will go bananas over the animal pictures. She also looked mighty adorable on her field trip!