Thursday, July 9, 2009

He's off!

Today was the day that I had to drop Mike off for wrestling camp. Let me just say this now.... I am toatlally freaking out! There doesn't seem to be any chaperone's to make sure they get from place to place on the college campus. First of all. They put Mike on a floor with a bunch of college guys. Hoping to move him down a floor with kids more his age later on this evening. He is suppose to move himself eeek! We got the map and we walked him over to the dining hall for dinner. By then he had ran into 2 Middle school kids from our town. Thank God someone he knows! At that point he really wanted me to leave and being a good mom I did. I sooooo wanted to stick around to make sure that everything went smooth and that he made it to the next location safely. Bill pretty much dragged me out of there. By the time we got home there was a message on my answering machine," Mom, mom are you there?I have my key stuck in the door and I can't get it out. Can someone help me?" So I promptly call him back but he doesn't answer! OMG!!!!
I am happy to report that I haven't cried nor did I cry when I left him there.
Oh it is going to be a long couple of days! Please pray for me!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Their Courage

Their courage deems utmost respect
Their mission clear, our way protect

It’s sure to each what they must do
No give or take, keep freedom true

With the grand old flag, they'll unite
Whenever they must, march to fight

A life we know counts hard on them
Without their ranks, hellish problem

If our Armed Forces ceased to be
How long could we survive as free

Let’s well realize the truthful score
We need our troops just like before

Boils down to this, words to engrave
Land of The Free, Due to The Brave

God Bless each one for being there
Their loved ones too, unending care

Hope born from love touches the will
Do back them strong, means to fulfill

Americans – Who Serve To Give
One Nation – Under God We Live

©2005Roger J. Robicheau

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Camping Trip

Here are a few pictures from our camping trip from over the weekend. We all had a good time. Mike even caught a fish,gutted,and, cooked it himself. Can we say :puke! Andrea got a little sun burned on her face. Poor kid. Enjoy the photos!.

The campground that we stay out fosters 2 alpaca's during the summer time. Here are the 2 for this summer. Check out Hog Heaven. Which adopts unusual animals.